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Ostrich Feeds

Ostrich feeds

Ostrich feeds

Forage and Plants Ostriches have a diet made up primarily of plant matter. In the wild, ostrich diets consist of roughly 60% plant material, 15% fruits or legumes, 5% insects or small-sized animals, and 20% grains, salts, and stones.

What nutrients do ostriches need?

(1994), who found that ostriches feeding on natural forage containing 70% water, on a dry mass basis, consumed a diet with 24% fibre, 12% crude protein, 16% ash and 3% lipids, for maintenance.

How much does an ostrich eat per day?

How much does an ostrich eat per day? Ostriches in captivity are typically fed between 3 to 4lbs (1.3kg to 1.8kg) of food every day, which includes any grit or stones required to help them digest food in their gizzards.

What do ostriches eat meat?

Do ostriches eat meat? As omnivores, ostriches are able to eat meat in the form of small animals. They also scavenge from carcasses.

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